1 Including total IgG, IgA and IgM, and M protein or FLC ratio as linear or non-linear predictors

This script assumes that you have already ran mgus_bm_prediction_20231125. This analysis has been completed in response to the revision request by the Annals of Internal Medicine, and will test two independent hypotheses: 1) the hypothesis that an ordinal regression containing total IgG, IgA and IgM modeled non-linearly using restricted cubic splines with four knots adds significant predictive value, compared to modeling these as linear variables. 2) the hypothesis that an ordinal regression containing all predictors as non-linear variables using restricted cubic splines with four knots adds significant predictive value, compared to modeling all predictors (except for FLC ratio) as linear variables. Evidence for this will be supplied by a comparison of the pre-test variance (linear) and post-test variance (non-linear), a likelihood ratio test and various measures of increased explained variance, after confirming that both models are well calibrated. # Total IgG, IgA and IgM as non-linear compared to linear variables

Our rationale for testing these two hypotheses separately is based on the prior literature and clinical experience. Total IgG, IgA and IgM have a much smaller evidence base for being predictive of smoldering multiple myeloma and multiple myeloma risk. In the prior literature, studies has included these variables in a very unusual and likely inefficient (and likely unjustifiable) statistical manor, by first dichotomizing whether total IgG, IgA and IgM were below the lower limit of normal, and then counting the number outside of this limit, other than the MGUS isotype, and evaluating this number as a risk factor. We therefore have the lowest a priori reason to believe that total IgG, IgA and IgM add significant predictive information, and accordingly, the lowest reason to believe that modeling them non-linearly should add predictive information compared to modeling them linearly. We First we fit the non-linear ‘full’ model

fit_pred <- lrm(outcome ~ rcs(igg, 4) + rcs(iga, 4) + rcs(igm, 4) + rcs(m_protein, 4) +
                  rcs(flc_ratio, 4) + isotype, data = df_pred, x = TRUE, y = TRUE)

As seen below the model likelihood ratio chi-square statistic is 401.11 on 18 degrees of freedom, with an R squared of 0.358 and a concordance index of 0.766.

## Logistic Regression Model
##  lrm(formula = outcome ~ rcs(igg, 4) + rcs(iga, 4) + rcs(igm, 
##      4) + rcs(m_protein, 4) + rcs(flc_ratio, 4) + isotype, data = df_pred, 
##      x = TRUE, y = TRUE)
##  Frequencies of Responses
##    0-4%   5-9% 10-14%   >15% 
##     455    430     91     67 
##                         Model Likelihood       Discrimination    Rank Discrim.    
##                               Ratio Test              Indexes          Indexes    
##  Obs          1043    LR chi2     401.11       R2       0.358    C       0.766    
##  max |deriv| 4e-08    d.f.            18     R2(18,1043)0.307    Dxy     0.533    
##                       Pr(> chi2) <0.0001    R2(18,882.4)0.352    gamma   0.533    
##                                                Brier    0.085    tau-a   0.335    
##                      Coef     S.E.    Wald Z Pr(>|Z|)
##  y>=5-9%               4.2561  0.8788  4.84  <0.0001 
##  y>=10-14%             1.5889  0.8686  1.83  0.0674  
##  y>=>15%               0.1966  0.8704  0.23  0.8213  
##  igg                  -0.3544  0.0937 -3.78  0.0002  
##  igg'                  1.5930  0.4062  3.92  <0.0001 
##  igg''                -4.4209  1.1912 -3.71  0.0002  
##  iga                  -0.1330  0.2827 -0.47  0.6380  
##  iga'                  2.7083  1.7328  1.56  0.1181  
##  iga''                -6.0916  3.9008 -1.56  0.1184  
##  igm                   1.0890  0.7754  1.40  0.1602  
##  igm'                -16.7238  8.5061 -1.97  0.0493  
##  igm''                34.2726 17.1540  2.00  0.0457  
##  m_protein            -0.6602  0.1832 -3.60  0.0003  
##  m_protein'           46.0506 11.3215  4.07  <0.0001 
##  m_protein''         -57.9203 14.3889 -4.03  <0.0001 
##  flc_ratio            -2.1258  0.3555 -5.98  <0.0001 
##  flc_ratio'           38.5632  6.5415  5.90  <0.0001 
##  flc_ratio''         -90.7608 15.5093 -5.85  <0.0001 
##  isotype=IgA          -0.2766  0.2610 -1.06  0.2892  
##  isotype=IgG          -0.5350  0.2038 -2.63  0.0087  
##  isotype=Light-chain  -0.5640  0.3257 -1.73  0.0833  

Importantly for all further comparisons, both models must be shown to be equally well calibrated, as we would heavily favor a calibrated over a non-calibrated model. What constitutes ‘equally well calibrated’ is subjective, and is best judged by examining calibration plots for both models. The non-linear model is well calibrated.

plot(calibrate(fit_pred, B = 200))

## n=1043   Mean absolute error=0.013   Mean squared error=0.00019
## 0.9 Quantile of absolute error=0.02

Next we fit the linear model. The linear model is a nested model of the non-linear model, in which the coefficients of the restricted cubic spline terms for total IgG, IgA, and IgM are set to zero.

fit_pred_linear <- lrm(
  formula = outcome ~ igg + iga + igm + rcs(m_protein, 4) +
    rcs(flc_ratio, 4) + isotype, data = df_pred, x = TRUE, y = TRUE

As seen below the model likelihood ratio chi-square statistic is 378.19 on 12 degrees of freedom, with an R squared of 0.341 and a concordance index of 0.760.

## Logistic Regression Model
##  lrm(formula = outcome ~ igg + iga + igm + rcs(m_protein, 4) + 
##      rcs(flc_ratio, 4) + isotype, data = df_pred, x = TRUE, y = TRUE)
##  Frequencies of Responses
##    0-4%   5-9% 10-14%   >15% 
##     455    430     91     67 
##                         Model Likelihood       Discrimination    Rank Discrim.    
##                               Ratio Test              Indexes          Indexes    
##  Obs          1043    LR chi2     378.19       R2       0.341    C       0.760    
##  max |deriv| 4e-08    d.f.            12     R2(12,1043)0.296    Dxy     0.519    
##                       Pr(> chi2) <0.0001    R2(12,882.4)0.340    gamma   0.519    
##                                                Brier    0.086    tau-a   0.326    
##                      Coef     S.E.    Wald Z Pr(>|Z|)
##  y>=5-9%               1.4481  0.4232  3.42  0.0006  
##  y>=10-14%            -1.1724  0.4231 -2.77  0.0056  
##  y>=>15%              -2.5540  0.4380 -5.83  <0.0001 
##  igg                   0.0130  0.0230  0.56  0.5722  
##  iga                   0.2854  0.0451  6.32  <0.0001 
##  igm                  -0.1745  0.0464 -3.76  0.0002  
##  m_protein            -0.6690  0.1797 -3.72  0.0002  
##  m_protein'           48.8852 10.8537  4.50  <0.0001 
##  m_protein''         -61.5660 13.7741 -4.47  <0.0001 
##  flc_ratio            -2.1699  0.3533 -6.14  <0.0001 
##  flc_ratio'           39.8168  6.4875  6.14  <0.0001 
##  flc_ratio''         -93.8202 15.3791 -6.10  <0.0001 
##  isotype=IgA          -0.1051  0.2525 -0.42  0.6771  
##  isotype=IgG          -0.4976  0.2008 -2.48  0.0132  
##  isotype=Light-chain  -0.4562  0.3211 -1.42  0.1554  

Again, we must visually be satisfied that the calibration is equally as good as the non-linear model. We believe this is satisfied.

plot(calibrate(fit_pred_linear, B = 200))

## n=1043   Mean absolute error=0.016   Mean squared error=0.00032
## 0.9 Quantile of absolute error=0.027

2 Predictor effect sizes

Before we evaluate the consequences of modeling total IgG, IgA and IgM as linear or non-linear predictors with regards metrics important for prediction models (precision, explained variability, calibration, discrimination and decision curve analysis), we compare the effect sizes of the predictors for both models. It is important to reiterate that effect sizes are not important when developing a prediction model and should not weigh heavily in deciding whether or not to use the linear or non-linear model.

First we examine total IgG on the absolute predicted risk scale

        kint = 2,
        fun = plogis) %>%
  select(igg, yhat, lower, upper) %>%
  mutate(model = "Linear") %>%
            kint = 2,
            fun = plogis) %>%
      select(igg, yhat, lower, upper) %>%
      mutate(model = "Non-linear")
  ) %>%
  as_data_frame() %>%
  ggplot(aes(x = igg, y = yhat, color = model, fill = model)) +
  geom_line() +
  geom_ribbon(aes(ymin = lower, ymax = upper), alpha = .5) +
  coord_cartesian(ylim = c(0, NA)) +
  geom_vline(xintercept = 6.1, lty = 2) +
  geom_vline(xintercept = 15.7, lty = 2) +
  scale_y_continuous(labels = scales::percent, limits = c(0, 0.14)) +
  scale_x_continuous(limits = c(5, 22)) +
  labs(x = "IgG (g/L)", y = "Proportion (%) having \n≥10% BMPC", title = "Total IgG") +
  theme_bw() +
  theme(legend.position = "bottom")

Then we examine total IgG on the odds ratio scale

        kint = 2,
        ref.zero = TRUE, fun = exp) %>%
  select(igg, yhat, lower, upper) %>%
  mutate(model = "Linear") %>%
            kint = 2,
            ref.zero = TRUE, fun = exp) %>%
      select(igg, yhat, lower, upper) %>%
      mutate(model = "Non-linear")
  ) %>%
  as_data_frame() %>%
  ggplot(aes(x = igg, y = yhat, color = model, fill = model)) +
  geom_line() +
  geom_ribbon(aes(ymin = lower, ymax = upper), alpha = .5) +
  geom_hline(yintercept = 1, lty = 2) +
  geom_vline(xintercept = 6.1, lty = 2) +
  geom_vline(xintercept = 15.7, lty = 2) +
    breaks = c(0.1, 0.25, 0.5, 0.75, 1, 1.5, 2, 4, 8, 16, 32), 
    limits = c(NA, NA)) +
  scale_x_continuous(limits = c(5, 22)) +
  coord_trans(y = "log10") +
  labs(x = "IgG (g/L)", y = "OR of 10% BMPC or more", title = "Total IgG") +
  theme_bw() +
  theme(legend.position = "bottom")

Now we examine IgA on the absolute predicted risk scale

        kint = 2,
        fun = plogis) %>%
  select(iga, yhat, lower, upper) %>%
  mutate(model = "Linear") %>%
            kint = 2,
            fun = plogis) %>%
      select(iga, yhat, lower, upper) %>%
      mutate(model = "Non-linear")
  ) %>%
  as_data_frame() %>%
  ggplot(aes(x = iga, y = yhat, color = model, fill = model)) +
  geom_line() +
  geom_ribbon(aes(ymin = lower, ymax = upper), alpha = .5) +
  coord_cartesian(ylim = c(0, NA)) +
  geom_vline(xintercept = 0.4, lty = 2) +
  geom_vline(xintercept = 2.3, lty = 2) +
  scale_y_continuous(labels = scales::percent, limits = c(0, 0.15)) +
  scale_x_continuous(limits = c(NA, 6)) +
  labs(x = "IgA (g/L)", y = "Proportion (%) having \n≥10% BMPC", title = "Total IgA") +
  theme_bw() +
  theme(legend.position = "bottom")

Then we examine total IgA on the odds ratio scale

        kint = 2,
        ref.zero = TRUE, fun = exp) %>%
  select(iga, yhat, lower, upper) %>%
  mutate(model = "Linear") %>%
            kint = 2,
            ref.zero = TRUE, fun = exp) %>%
      select(iga, yhat, lower, upper) %>%
      mutate(model = "Non-linear")
  ) %>%
  as_data_frame() %>%
  ggplot(aes(x = iga, y = yhat, color = model, fill = model)) +
  geom_line() +
  geom_ribbon(aes(ymin = lower, ymax = upper), alpha = .5) +
  geom_hline(yintercept = 1, lty = 2) +
  geom_vline(xintercept = 0.7, lty = 2) +
  geom_vline(xintercept = 3.7, lty = 2) +
  scale_y_continuous(breaks = c(0.1, 0.25, 0.5, 0.75, 1, 1.5, 2, 4, 8, 16, 32)) +
  scale_x_continuous(limits = c(NA, 10)) +
  coord_trans(y = "log10") +
  labs(x = "IgA (g/L)", y = "OR of 10% BMPC or more", title = "Total IgA") +
  theme_bw() +
  theme(legend.position = "bottom")

Finally we examine IgM on the absolute predicted risk scale

        kint = 2,
        fun = plogis) %>%
  select(igm, yhat, lower, upper) %>%
  mutate(model = "Linear") %>%
            kint = 2,
            fun = plogis) %>%
      select(igm, yhat, lower, upper) %>%
      mutate(model = "Non-linear")
  ) %>%
  as_data_frame() %>%
  ggplot(aes(x = igm, y = yhat, color = model, fill = model)) +
  geom_line() +
  geom_ribbon(aes(ymin = lower, ymax = upper), alpha = .5) +
  coord_cartesian(ylim = c(0, NA)) +
  geom_vline(xintercept = 0.4, lty = 2) +
  geom_vline(xintercept = 2.3, lty = 2) +
  scale_y_continuous(labels = scales::percent, limits = c(0, NA)) +
  scale_x_continuous(limits = c(NA, 8)) +
  labs(x = "IgM (g/L)", y = "Proportion (%) having \n≥10% BMPC", title = "Total IgM") +
  theme_bw() +
  theme(legend.position = "bottom")

and on the odds ratio scale

        kint = 2,
        ref.zero = TRUE, fun = exp) %>%
  select(igm, yhat, lower, upper) %>%
  mutate(model = "Linear") %>%
            kint = 2,
            ref.zero = TRUE, fun = exp) %>%
      select(igm, yhat, lower, upper) %>%
      mutate(model = "Non-linear")
  ) %>%
  as_data_frame() %>%
  ggplot(aes(x = igm, y = yhat, color = model, fill = model)) +
  geom_line() +
  geom_ribbon(aes(ymin = lower, ymax = upper), alpha = .5) +
  geom_hline(yintercept = 1, lty = 2) +
  geom_vline(xintercept = 0.4, lty = 2) +
  geom_vline(xintercept = 2.3, lty = 2) +
  scale_y_continuous(breaks = c(0.1, 0.25, 0.5, 0.75, 1, 1.5, 2, 4, 8, 16, 32)) +
  scale_x_continuous(limits = c(NA, 8)) +
  coord_trans(y = "log10") +
  labs(x = "IgM (g/L)", y = "OR of 10% BMPC or more", title = "Total IgM") +
  theme_bw() +
  theme(legend.position = "bottom")

3 Likelihood ratio test

Because the linear model is nested within the non-linear model, we can use the likelihood ratio test to test the null hypothesis that linear and non-linear models fit the data equally well, and therefore that the non-linear terms for IgG, IgA and IgM are redundant. As seen below, there is fairly strong evidence against the null hypothesis, and we may conclude that the non-linear model fits the data better.

lrtest(fit_pred_linear, fit_pred)
## Model 1: outcome ~ igg + iga + igm + rcs(m_protein, 4) + rcs(flc_ratio, 
##     4) + isotype
## Model 2: outcome ~ rcs(igg, 4) + rcs(iga, 4) + rcs(igm, 4) + rcs(m_protein, 
##     4) + rcs(flc_ratio, 4) + isotype
##   L.R. Chisq         d.f.            P 
## 2.292153e+01 6.000000e+00 8.231908e-04

The degree to which the non-linear model fits the data better can be quantified by calculating the adequacy of the linear model compared to the non-linear model using the models’ likelihood ratio Chi-squared statistics.

pre_test_lr <- fit_pred_linear$stats["Model L.R."] # linear likelihood chi-squared statistic
post_test_lr <- fit_pred$stats["Model L.R."] # non-linear likelihood chi-suqared statistic

Below is a measure of the adequacy of the linear model compared to the non-linear model, 0.942 out of a maximum of 1

add_base <- pre_test_lr/post_test_lr
## Model L.R. 
##   0.942855

In other words, the fraction of new information provided by non-linear model by this metric is 0.0571, which is substantial.

frac_new <- 1 - add_base
## Model L.R. 
## 0.05714496

The contribution of the non-linear components of total IgG, IgA and IgM can can be shown for each immunoglobulin individually, with the overall non-linear likelihood ratio Chi-squared statistic of 22.85 on 6 degrees of freedom equaling the overall likelihood ratio test above.

anova(fit_pred, igg, iga, igm)
##                 Wald Statistics          Response: outcome 
##  Factor          Chi-Square d.f. P     
##  igg             17.23      3    0.0006
##   Nonlinear      16.82      2    0.0002
##  iga             40.20      3    <.0001
##   Nonlinear       2.45      2    0.2945
##  igm             21.20      3    0.0001
##   Nonlinear       4.67      2    0.0968
##  TOTAL NONLINEAR 22.85      6    0.0008
##  TOTAL           81.32      9    <.0001

4 Akaike’s information criterion

The question remains whether the increased fit of the non-linear model to the data compared to the linear model is worthwhile, given its added complexity. Akaike’s information criterion provides a method for penalizing the log likelihood achieved by a given model for its complexity to obtain a more unbiased assessment of the model’s worth. The penalty is to add twice the number of parameters to the −2 log likelihood. On this metric, the model with the lower AIC should generally be favored. In this case, the non-linear model has a considerably lower AIC.

## [1] 1969.557
## [1] 1980.479

Although not directly answering the question of whether we should prefer modelling immunoglobulins linearly compared to using restricted cubic slines, it should be noted that we did allow for penalized maximum likelihood estimation in the main manuscript, inculding an added penalty on non-linear terms. The full model had the lowest Akaike’s information criterion, supporting the above calculations suggesting that the non-linear model fits the data well.

penalty <- pentrace(
  simple = seq(0, 1, by = .1),
  nonlinear = seq(0, 1, by = .1)

## Best penalty:
##  simple nonlinear df
##       0         0 18
##  simple nonlinear       df       aic        bic     aic.c
##     0.0       0.0 18.00000 365.11201 276.014592 364.44404
##     0.0       0.1 14.32334  75.69983   4.801354  75.27269
##     0.1       0.1 14.25522  75.87344   5.312146  75.45025
##     0.0       0.2 13.94986  73.95926   4.909454  73.55354
##     0.1       0.2 13.88750  74.12680   5.385684  73.72461
##     0.2       0.2 13.82737  74.28682   5.843318  73.88801
##     0.0       0.3 13.73193  72.89448   4.923418  72.50100
##     0.1       0.3 13.67250  73.05411   5.377168  72.66394
##     0.2       0.3 13.61513  73.20676   5.813809  72.81977
##     0.3       0.3 13.55966  73.35300   6.234615  72.96907
##     0.0       0.4 13.58051  72.14550   4.923898  71.76042
##     0.1       0.4 13.52307  72.29755   5.360291  71.91563
##     0.2       0.4 13.46755  72.44305   5.780624  72.06418
##     0.3       0.4 13.41382  72.58253   6.186068  72.20659
##     0.4       0.4 13.36176  72.71644   6.577668  72.34333
##     0.0       0.5 13.46558  71.58355   4.930884  71.20478
##     0.1       0.5 13.40965  71.72867   5.352852  71.35296
##     0.2       0.5 13.35554  71.86761   5.759601  71.49484
##     0.3       0.5 13.30314  72.00085   6.152216  71.63091
##     0.4       0.5 13.25233  72.12881   6.531670  71.76162
##     0.5       0.5 13.20302  72.25189   6.898837  71.88734
##     0.0       0.6 13.37331  71.14496   4.948989  70.77122
##     0.1       0.6 13.31864  71.28379   5.358456  70.91302
##     0.2       0.6 13.26571  71.41676   5.753419  71.04884
##     0.3       0.6 13.21441  71.54430   6.134892  71.17914
##     0.4       0.6 13.16463  71.66683   6.503786  71.30433
##     0.5       0.6 13.11629  71.78468   6.860923  71.42477
##     0.6       0.6 13.06930  71.89820   7.207042  71.54079
##     0.0       0.7 13.29631  70.79314   4.978331  70.42357
##     0.1       0.7 13.24272  70.92624   5.376673  70.55956
##     0.2       0.7 13.19081  71.05375   5.761140  70.68986
##     0.3       0.7 13.14046  71.17610   6.132686  70.81490
##     0.4       0.7 13.09159  71.29365   6.492169  70.93505
##     0.5       0.7 13.04409  71.40674   6.840360  71.05067
##     0.6       0.7 12.99789  71.51567   7.177958  71.16204
##     0.7       0.7 12.95292  71.62071   7.505600  71.26945
##     0.0       0.8 13.23016  70.50507   5.017681  70.13906
##     0.1       0.8 13.17755  70.63292   5.405941  70.26973
##     0.2       0.8 13.12655  70.75543   5.780896  70.39498
##     0.3       0.8 13.07706  70.87301   6.143443  70.51519
##     0.4       0.8 13.02899  70.98600   6.494389  70.63072
##     0.5       0.8 12.98224  71.09471   6.834466  70.74191
##     0.6       0.8 12.93676  71.19943   7.164335  70.84902
##     0.7       0.8 12.89246  71.30041   7.484598  70.95233
##     0.8       0.8 12.84928  71.39789   7.795803  71.05207
##     0.0       0.9 13.17207  70.26534   5.065509  69.90245
##     0.1       0.9 13.12035  70.38835   5.444518  70.02822
##     0.2       0.9 13.07018  70.50626   5.810741  70.14881
##     0.3       0.9 13.02147  70.61945   6.165025  70.26457
##     0.4       0.9 12.97413  70.72823   6.508133  70.37585
##     0.5       0.9 12.92808  70.83291   6.840758  70.48295
##     0.6       0.9 12.88325  70.93375   7.163527  70.58615
##     0.7       0.9 12.83956  71.03099   7.477012  70.68567
##     0.8       0.9 12.79696  71.12485   7.781735  70.78176
##     0.9       0.9 12.75539  71.21554   8.078175  70.87460
##     0.0       1.0 13.12015  70.06318   5.120345  69.70307
##     0.1       1.0 13.06925  70.18172   5.490784  69.82431
##     0.2       1.0 13.01986  70.29537   5.848917  69.94058
##     0.3       1.0 12.97188  70.40449   6.195543  70.05223
##     0.4       1.0 12.92522  70.50938   6.531387  70.15957
##     0.5       1.0 12.87981  70.61032   6.857104  70.26290
##     0.6       1.0 12.83558  70.70756   7.173291  70.36245
##     0.7       1.0 12.79246  70.80134   7.480493  70.45848
##     0.8       1.0 12.75040  70.89186   7.779206  70.55118
##     0.9       1.0 12.70934  70.97931   8.069886  70.64075
##     1.0       1.0 12.66924  71.06386   8.352954  70.72737

5 Comparing variances

Next we compare the variances of the predicted risks from the linear and non-linear models. In the prediction setting, increased variance in risk estimates is generally desirable. As shown below, the variance is almost identical between the linear and non-linear models and the high-resolution histogram of predicted risks is visually identical.

pre <- predict(fit_pred_linear, type='fitted')
pre <- pre[,2]
post <- predict(fit_pred, type='fitted')
post <- post[,2]

par(mgp=c(4,1,0), mar=c(6,5,2,2))

xlab <- c(
  paste0("Linear\nvariance =", round(var(pre), 3)),
  paste0("Non-linear\nvariance=",round(var(post), 3))

histbackback(pre, post, brks=seq(0, 1, by=0.005), xlab=xlab, ylab= "Proportion (%) having \n≥10% BMPC")

We show that the relative explained variation of predicted risk of the linear model compared tothe non-linear model is 0.974 (theoretically out of a maximum of 1)

var_pre <- round(var(pre), 3) #linear
var_post <- round(var(post), 3) #non-linear
relativ_expl <- var_pre/var_post

## [1] 0.974359

In other words, the fraction of new information contained in the non-linear model by this metric is only 0.0256

frac_new2 <- 1 - relativ_expl
## [1] 0.02564103

We can show that the predicted risks between the linear and non-linear models differ most at moderate predicted risks.

plot(pre, post-pre, xlab='Predicted risk (linear immunoglobulins)',
     ylab='Difference in predicted risks (non-linear - linear)', pch=46)
lo <- Rq(post-pre ~ rcs(pre, 7), tau=0.1)  # 0.1 quantile
hi <- Rq(post-pre ~ rcs(pre, 7), tau=0.9)  # 0.9 quantile
at <- seq(0, 1, length=200)
lines(at, Predict(lo, pre=at)$yhat, col='red', lwd=1.5)
lines(at, Predict(hi, pre=at)$yhat, col='red', lwd=1.5)
abline(h=0, col='red', lty = 2)

6 Decision curve analysis

Finally, as this is a prediction model that we intend for clinical use, we should be satisfied that the decision curves associated with both models are similar. If not, we should heavily favor the model that leads to increased net-benefit over plausible risk thresholds

df_linear_nonlinear <- df_pred # temporary dataframe only used for this script
Function(fit_pred) # we extract the linear predictor from the non-linear model first
## function(igg = 10.21,iga = 2.167,igm = 0.718,m_protein = 1.91,flc_ratio = 1.237794,isotype = "IgG") {-0.35437745* igg+0.012363328*pmax(igg-6.111,0)^3-0.034311919*pmax(igg-9.2,0)^3+0.023794703*pmax(igg-11.446,0)^3-0.0018461125*pmax(igg-17.462,0)^3-0.13301362* iga+0.098986509*pmax(iga-0.5914,0)^3-0.22264315*pmax(iga-1.641,0)^3+0.13057034*pmax(iga-2.6581,0)^3-0.006913695*pmax(iga-5.8221,0)^3+1.0889587* igm-3.1076573*pmax(igm-0.2561,0)^3+6.3686218*pmax(igm-0.5751,0)^3-3.3346563*pmax(igm-0.9166,0)^3+0.073691742*pmax(igm-2.5759,0)^3-0.66018976* m_protein+0.44395199*pmax(m_protein-0.481261,0)^3-0.55838218*pmax(m_protein-0.881164,0)^3+0.11511927*pmax(m_protein-2.48194,0)^3-0.00068906911*pmax(m_protein-10.665996,0)^3-2.1257973* flc_ratio+0.73647737*pmax(flc_ratio-0.2041965,0)^3-1.7333446*pmax(flc_ratio-1.0186109,0)^3+1.0005139*pmax(flc_ratio-1.6415064,0)^3-0.0036466553*pmax(flc_ratio-7.440332,0)^3-0.27663453*(isotype=="IgA")-0.53499524*(isotype=="IgG")-0.56401632*(isotype=="Light-chain") }
## <environment: 0x7fea1100d698>
df_linear_nonlinear$nonlinear_pred <- with(
    1.5888896 -0.35437745 * igg + 0.012363328 * pmax(igg - 6.111, 0) ^ 3 - 0.034311919 *
      pmax(igg - 9.2, 0) ^ 3 + 0.023794703 * pmax(igg - 11.446, 0) ^ 3 - 0.0018461125 *
      pmax(igg - 17.462, 0) ^ 3 - 0.13301362 * iga + 0.098986509 * pmax(iga - 0.5914, 0) ^ 3 
    - 0.22264315 * pmax(iga - 1.641, 0) ^ 3 + 0.13057034 * pmax(iga - 2.6581, 0) ^ 3 
    - 0.006913695 * pmax(iga - 5.8221, 0) ^ 3 + 1.0889587 * igm -
      3.1076573 * pmax(igm - 0.2561, 0) ^ 3 + 6.3686218 * pmax(igm - 0.5751, 0) ^
      3 - 3.3346563 * pmax(igm - 0.9166, 0) ^ 3 + 0.073691742 * pmax(igm - 2.5759, 0) ^
      3 - 0.66018976 * m_protein + 0.44395199 * pmax(m_protein - 0.481261, 0) ^
      3 - 0.55838218 * pmax(m_protein - 0.881164, 0) ^ 3 + 0.11511927 * pmax(m_protein - 2.48194, 0) ^ 3 
    - 0.00068906911 * pmax(m_protein - 10.665996, 0) ^ 3 - 2.1257973 * flc_ratio + 0.73647737 * 
      pmax(flc_ratio - 0.2041965, 0) ^ 3 - 1.7333446 * pmax(flc_ratio - 1.0186109, 0) ^ 3 
    + 1.0005139 * pmax(flc_ratio - 1.6415064, 0) ^ 3 - 0.0036466553 *
      pmax(flc_ratio - 7.440332, 0) ^ 3 - 0.27663453 * (isotype == "IgA") - 0.53499524 *
      (isotype == "IgG") - 0.56401632 * (isotype == "Light-chain")

Function(fit_pred_linear) # next we extract the linear predictor from the linear model
## function(igg = 10.21,iga = 2.167,igm = 0.718,m_protein = 1.91,flc_ratio = 1.237794,isotype = "IgG") {+0.012987234*igg+0.28536845*iga-0.17450545*igm-0.66897437* m_protein+0.47127836*pmax(m_protein-0.481261,0)^3-0.59352797*pmax(m_protein-0.881164,0)^3+0.12313286*pmax(m_protein-2.48194,0)^3-0.00088325512*pmax(m_protein-10.665996,0)^3-2.1699146* flc_ratio+0.76041857*pmax(flc_ratio-0.2041965,0)^3-1.7917724*pmax(flc_ratio-1.0186109,0)^3+1.0353426*pmax(flc_ratio-1.6415064,0)^3-0.0039887145*pmax(flc_ratio-7.440332,0)^3-0.10513226*(isotype=="IgA")-0.49763544*(isotype=="IgG")-0.45621863*(isotype=="Light-chain") }
## <environment: 0x7fe9f0263738>
df_linear_nonlinear$linear_pred <- with(
    -1.17235498 +0.012987234 * igg + 0.28536845 * iga - 0.17450545 * igm - 0.66897437 * m_protein +
      0.47127836 * pmax(m_protein - 0.481261, 0) ^ 3 - 0.59352797 * pmax(m_protein - 0.881164, 0) ^ 3 
    + 0.12313286 * pmax(m_protein - 2.48194, 0) ^ 3 - 0.00088325512 *
      pmax(m_protein - 10.665996, 0) ^ 3 - 2.1699146 * flc_ratio + 0.76041857 *
      pmax(flc_ratio - 0.2041965, 0) ^ 3 - 1.7917724 * pmax(flc_ratio - 1.0186109, 0) ^
      3 + 1.0353426 * pmax(flc_ratio - 1.6415064, 0) ^ 3 - 0.0039887145 * pmax(flc_ratio - 7.440332, 0) ^ 3 
    - 0.10513226 * (isotype == "IgA") - 0.49763544 * (isotype == "IgG") 
    - 0.45621863 * (isotype == "Light-chain")                                                                                                                                       )

We create the decision curve analysis models using the dca pacakge. We examine the net-benefit of the linear and non-linear models in a opt-out strategy, in which net benefit is expressed in the relative proportion of true negatives. As demonstrated by the resulting decision curve analysis figure, there is no perceivable difference in net benefit between the two models in this setting.

nonlinear_model <- decision_curve(perc_10 ~ nonlinear_pred,
                                  data = df_linear_nonlinear,
                                  policy = 'opt-out',
                                  fitted = TRUE,
                                  thresholds = seq(0, 1, by = .001),
                                  bootstraps = 1000)

linear_model <- decision_curve(perc_10 ~ linear_pred,
                               data = df_linear_nonlinear,
                               policy = 'opt-out',
                               fitted = TRUE,
                               thresholds = seq(0, 1, by = .001),
                               bootstraps = 1000)

nonlinear_model$derived.data %>%
  select(thresholds, NB, NB_lower, NB_upper, model) %>%
    linear_model$derived.data %>%
      select(thresholds, NB, NB_lower, NB_upper, model) %>%
      filter(model == "perc_10 ~ linear_pred")
  ) %>%
  mutate(model = factor(model, levels = c("perc_10 ~ nonlinear_pred", "perc_10 ~ linear_pred", "All", "None"))) %>%
  ggplot(aes(x = thresholds, y = NB, color = model, fill = model)) +
  geom_line(size = 1.1, position = position_dodge(width = 0.005)) +
  geom_vline(aes(xintercept = 0.05), lty = 2) +
  geom_vline(aes(xintercept = 0.10), lty = 2) +
    name = "Follow-up strategy:",
    labels = c(
      "Defer based on non-linear model",
      "Defer based on linear model",
      "Obtain sample from all",
      "Obtain sample from none"
    values = c(nejm_palette[c(2, 3)], "black", nejm_palette[c(1)])
  ) +
  scale_x_continuous(breaks = seq(0, 1, by = 0.02), labels = scales::percent_format(accuracy = 1)) +
  coord_cartesian(xlim = c(0, 0.25), ylim = c(-0.2, 0.7)) +
  labs(x = NULL, y = "Net Benefit") +
  theme_bw() +
    legend.title = element_blank(),
    legend.background = element_rect(fill = NA),
    panel.grid.minor.x = element_blank(),
    legend.position = c(0.2, 0.82)

7 Summary of Total IgG, IgA and IgM as non-linear compared to linear variables

We have shown that the model that includes immunoglobulins as non-linear variables i) fits the data significantly better on the likelihood ratio test, providing roughly a 5% increase in the fraction of new information on this metric compared to the linear model. ii) has a lower Akaike’s information criterion than does the linear model. iii) slightly increases the variance of predicted risk, providing a roughly 2.5% increase in the fraction of new information on this metric compared to the linear model.

Arguments for the removal of the non-linear components of the total immunoglobulins include the principle of parsimony and the general observation that simpler models tend to perform better on external validation (bias-variance trade off). This is also supported by the linear and non-linear models performing equally well on decision curve analysis.

Arguments against the removal of the non-linear components include the fact that they were pre-specified and only considered for removal after testing (which may introduce testimation bias), plausibility (the fact that natural relationships are almost certainly never linear), and finally the rationale provided by the statistical exploration shown in this document. Added to this is the fact that modelling total immunoglobulins as non-linear functions does not add any cost to the clinician or patient (does not increased the number of measured variables), and the added complexity is not relevant given that a clinical calculator will be provided.

After taking into account the comments by the editorial team and the statistical reviewer Dr. Rita Popat, including meeting with Dr. Wee and Dr. Popat, we are willing to remove the non-linear components of the total IgG, IgA and IgM. # All variables modeled as non-linear compared to linear variables (except FLC ratio)

M protein is a strong predictor (if not the strongest predictor) of progression from MGUS to SMM or MM. We therefore consider this separately as any misspecification of M protein will likely have drastic consequences for the predictive ability of the model. From the above chapter we have made the decision, after strong recommendations from Drs. Wee and Popat, to model total IgG, IgA and IgM as linear variables. We will therefore use this as the baseline. We will explore modeling M protein as a five- four- and three-knot restricted cubic spline and compare the AIC of these as recommended by Dr. Harrell’s Regression Modeling Strategies. We will only deviate from the four-knot restricted cubic spline if there is substantial evidence of increased predictive power, as the four-knot restricted cubic spline was pre-specified. It is self evident from the prior literature and clinical experience that the relationship between FLC ratio and the outcome will be highly non-linear. We therefore do not evaluate modeling this as a linear relationship.

fit_pred_mprotein_5 <- lrm(
  formula = outcome ~ igg + iga + igm + rcs(m_protein, 5) +
    rcs(flc_ratio, 4) + isotype, data = df_pred, x = TRUE, y = TRUE

## Logistic Regression Model
##  lrm(formula = outcome ~ igg + iga + igm + rcs(m_protein, 5) + 
##      rcs(flc_ratio, 4) + isotype, data = df_pred, x = TRUE, y = TRUE)
##  Frequencies of Responses
##    0-4%   5-9% 10-14%   >15% 
##     455    430     91     67 
##                         Model Likelihood       Discrimination    Rank Discrim.    
##                               Ratio Test              Indexes          Indexes    
##  Obs          1043    LR chi2     378.46       R2       0.341    C       0.760    
##  max |deriv| 1e-07    d.f.            13     R2(13,1043)0.296    Dxy     0.520    
##                       Pr(> chi2) <0.0001    R2(13,882.4)0.339    gamma   0.520    
##                                                Brier    0.086    tau-a   0.327    
##                      Coef     S.E.    Wald Z Pr(>|Z|)
##  y>=5-9%               1.4741  0.4269  3.45  0.0006  
##  y>=10-14%            -1.1455  0.4271 -2.68  0.0073  
##  y>=>15%              -2.5262  0.4422 -5.71  <0.0001 
##  igg                   0.0121  0.0231  0.53  0.5995  
##  iga                   0.2840  0.0452  6.28  <0.0001 
##  igm                  -0.1751  0.0465 -3.77  0.0002  
##  m_protein            -0.7752  0.2701 -2.87  0.0041  
##  m_protein'           70.1534 35.8432  1.96  0.0503  
##  m_protein''         -97.2704 55.3084 -1.76  0.0786  
##  m_protein'''         26.5642 23.7929  1.12  0.2642  
##  flc_ratio            -2.1670  0.3534 -6.13  <0.0001 
##  flc_ratio'           39.7564  6.4897  6.13  <0.0001 
##  flc_ratio''         -93.6762 15.3845 -6.09  <0.0001 
##  isotype=IgA          -0.1086  0.2526 -0.43  0.6671  
##  isotype=IgG          -0.4988  0.2009 -2.48  0.0130  
##  isotype=Light-chain  -0.4693  0.3223 -1.46  0.1454  

The four-knot model is the fit_pred_linear model shown in the first chapter

## Logistic Regression Model
##  lrm(formula = outcome ~ igg + iga + igm + rcs(m_protein, 4) + 
##      rcs(flc_ratio, 4) + isotype, data = df_pred, x = TRUE, y = TRUE)
##  Frequencies of Responses
##    0-4%   5-9% 10-14%   >15% 
##     455    430     91     67 
##                         Model Likelihood       Discrimination    Rank Discrim.    
##                               Ratio Test              Indexes          Indexes    
##  Obs          1043    LR chi2     378.19       R2       0.341    C       0.760    
##  max |deriv| 4e-08    d.f.            12     R2(12,1043)0.296    Dxy     0.519    
##                       Pr(> chi2) <0.0001    R2(12,882.4)0.340    gamma   0.519    
##                                                Brier    0.086    tau-a   0.326    
##                      Coef     S.E.    Wald Z Pr(>|Z|)
##  y>=5-9%               1.4481  0.4232  3.42  0.0006  
##  y>=10-14%            -1.1724  0.4231 -2.77  0.0056  
##  y>=>15%              -2.5540  0.4380 -5.83  <0.0001 
##  igg                   0.0130  0.0230  0.56  0.5722  
##  iga                   0.2854  0.0451  6.32  <0.0001 
##  igm                  -0.1745  0.0464 -3.76  0.0002  
##  m_protein            -0.6690  0.1797 -3.72  0.0002  
##  m_protein'           48.8852 10.8537  4.50  <0.0001 
##  m_protein''         -61.5660 13.7741 -4.47  <0.0001 
##  flc_ratio            -2.1699  0.3533 -6.14  <0.0001 
##  flc_ratio'           39.8168  6.4875  6.14  <0.0001 
##  flc_ratio''         -93.8202 15.3791 -6.10  <0.0001 
##  isotype=IgA          -0.1051  0.2525 -0.42  0.6771  
##  isotype=IgG          -0.4976  0.2008 -2.48  0.0132  
##  isotype=Light-chain  -0.4562  0.3211 -1.42  0.1554  
fit_pred_mprotein_3 <- lrm(
  formula = outcome ~ igg + iga + igm + rcs(m_protein, 3) +
    rcs(flc_ratio, 4) + isotype, data = df_pred, x = TRUE, y = TRUE

## Logistic Regression Model
##  lrm(formula = outcome ~ igg + iga + igm + rcs(m_protein, 3) + 
##      rcs(flc_ratio, 4) + isotype, data = df_pred, x = TRUE, y = TRUE)
##  Frequencies of Responses
##    0-4%   5-9% 10-14%   >15% 
##     455    430     91     67 
##                         Model Likelihood       Discrimination    Rank Discrim.    
##                               Ratio Test              Indexes          Indexes    
##  Obs          1043    LR chi2     360.35       R2       0.327    C       0.752    
##  max |deriv| 2e-09    d.f.            11     R2(11,1043)0.285    Dxy     0.505    
##                       Pr(> chi2) <0.0001    R2(11,882.4)0.327    gamma   0.505    
##                                                Brier    0.087    tau-a   0.317    
##                      Coef      S.E.    Wald Z Pr(>|Z|)
##  y>=5-9%                0.9978  0.4089  2.44  0.0147  
##  y>=10-14%             -1.5869  0.4116 -3.86  0.0001  
##  y>=>15%               -2.9723  0.4273 -6.96  <0.0001 
##  igg                    0.0229  0.0228  1.01  0.3147  
##  iga                    0.3060  0.0448  6.83  <0.0001 
##  igm                   -0.1649  0.0463 -3.56  0.0004  
##  m_protein              0.0485  0.0663  0.73  0.4648  
##  m_protein'             0.3274  0.1112  2.95  0.0032  
##  flc_ratio             -2.3610  0.3510 -6.73  <0.0001 
##  flc_ratio'            44.0973  6.4129  6.88  <0.0001 
##  flc_ratio''         -104.1289 15.1938 -6.85  <0.0001 
##  isotype=IgA           -0.1397  0.2516 -0.56  0.5787  
##  isotype=IgG           -0.4458  0.1989 -2.24  0.0250  
##  isotype=Light-chain   -0.1425  0.3121 -0.46  0.6478  
fit_pred_mprotein_linear <- lrm(
  formula = outcome ~ igg + iga + igm + m_protein +
    rcs(flc_ratio, 4) + isotype, data = df_pred, x = TRUE, y = TRUE

## Logistic Regression Model
##  lrm(formula = outcome ~ igg + iga + igm + m_protein + rcs(flc_ratio, 
##      4) + isotype, data = df_pred, x = TRUE, y = TRUE)
##  Frequencies of Responses
##    0-4%   5-9% 10-14%   >15% 
##     455    430     91     67 
##                         Model Likelihood       Discrimination    Rank Discrim.    
##                               Ratio Test              Indexes          Indexes    
##  Obs          1043    LR chi2     351.52       R2       0.320    C       0.747    
##  max |deriv| 1e-10    d.f.            10     R2(10,1043)0.279    Dxy     0.494    
##                       Pr(> chi2) <0.0001    R2(10,882.4)0.321    gamma   0.494    
##                                                Brier    0.088    tau-a   0.310    
##                      Coef      S.E.    Wald Z Pr(>|Z|)
##  y>=5-9%                0.5858  0.3841  1.52  0.1273  
##  y>=10-14%             -1.9852  0.3895 -5.10  <0.0001 
##  y>=>15%               -3.3283  0.4093 -8.13  <0.0001 
##  igg                    0.0364  0.0223  1.63  0.1024  
##  iga                    0.2775  0.0434  6.39  <0.0001 
##  igm                   -0.1624  0.0463 -3.51  0.0004  
##  m_protein              0.2307  0.0257  8.99  <0.0001 
##  flc_ratio             -2.2961  0.3485 -6.59  <0.0001 
##  flc_ratio'            42.9422  6.3675  6.74  <0.0001 
##  flc_ratio''         -101.4123 15.0865 -6.72  <0.0001 
##  isotype=IgA           -0.0408  0.2495 -0.16  0.8702  
##  isotype=IgG           -0.4615  0.1993 -2.32  0.0206  
##  isotype=Light-chain    0.1435  0.2969  0.48  0.6289  

As in the first chapter, we argue that calibration is essential, and if one of the models is obviously poorly calibrated it should not be considered in the following steps. First we show the current four-knot model with linear IgG, IgA and IgM.

plot(calibrate(fit_pred_linear, B = 200))

## n=1043   Mean absolute error=0.016   Mean squared error=0.00029
## 0.9 Quantile of absolute error=0.025

Next we show the five-knot model, which is qualitatively identical.

plot(calibrate(fit_pred_mprotein_5, B = 200))
## Divergence or singularity in 1 samples

## n=1043   Mean absolute error=0.016   Mean squared error=0.00031
## 0.9 Quantile of absolute error=0.026

Next we show the three-knot model, which is qualitatively identical.

plot(calibrate(fit_pred_mprotein_3, B = 200))

## n=1043   Mean absolute error=0.017   Mean squared error=0.00034
## 0.9 Quantile of absolute error=0.024

And lastly, the linear M protein model, which is qualitatively identical.

plot(calibrate(fit_pred_mprotein_linear, B = 200))

## n=1043   Mean absolute error=0.016   Mean squared error=3e-04
## 0.9 Quantile of absolute error=0.021

8 Predictor effect sizes

All prior disclaimors about effect sizes and prediction models apply. First we examine M protein on the absolute predicted risk scale and show that the effect sizes are essentially similar.

        kint = 2,
        fun = plogis) %>%
  select(m_protein, yhat, lower, upper) %>%
  mutate(model = "Five-knot") %>%
            kint = 2,
            fun = plogis) %>%
      select(m_protein, yhat, lower, upper) %>%
      mutate(model = "Four-knot")
  ) %>%
            kint = 2,
            fun = plogis) %>%
      select(m_protein, yhat, lower, upper) %>%
      mutate(model = "Three-knot")
  ) %>%
            kint = 2,
            fun = plogis) %>%
      select(m_protein, yhat, lower, upper) %>%
      mutate(model = "Linear")
  ) %>%
  as_data_frame() %>%
  ggplot(aes(x = m_protein, y = yhat, color = model, fill = model)) +
  geom_line() +
  geom_ribbon(aes(ymin = lower, ymax = upper, color = NULL), alpha = .2) +
  coord_cartesian(ylim = c(0, NA)) +
  scale_y_continuous(labels = scales::percent) +
  scale_x_continuous(limits = c(5, 22)) +
  labs(x = "M protein (g/L)", y = "Proportion (%) having \n≥10% BMPC", title = "M protein") +
  theme_bw() +
  theme(legend.position = "bottom")

Then we examine total IgG on the odds ratio scale

        kint = 2,
        ref.zero = TRUE, fun = exp) %>%
  select(m_protein, yhat, lower, upper) %>%
  mutate(model = "Five-knot") %>%
            kint = 2,
            ref.zero = TRUE, fun = exp) %>%
      select(m_protein, yhat, lower, upper) %>%
      mutate(model = "Four-knot")
  ) %>%
            kint = 2,
            ref.zero = TRUE, fun = exp) %>%
      select(m_protein, yhat, lower, upper) %>%
      mutate(model = "Three-knot")
  ) %>%
            kint = 2,
            ref.zero = TRUE, fun = exp) %>%
      select(m_protein, yhat, lower, upper) %>%
      mutate(model = "Linear")
  ) %>%
  as_data_frame() %>%
  ggplot(aes(x = m_protein, y = yhat, color = model, fill = model)) +
  geom_line() +
  geom_ribbon(aes(ymin = lower, ymax = upper, color = NULL), alpha = .3) +
  geom_hline(yintercept = 1, lty = 2) +
    breaks = c(0.1, 0.25, 0.5, 0.75, 1, 1.5, 2, 4, 8, 16, 32, 64, 128), 
    limits = c(NA, NA)) +
  coord_trans(y = "log10") +
  labs(x = "M protein (g/L)", y = "OR of 10% BMPC or more", title = "M protein") +
  theme_bw() +
  theme(legend.position = "bottom")

9 Likelihood ratio test

We will do a series of comparisons. Our main aim is to decide whether the M protein can justifiably be modeled as a linear variable compared to the current prespecified four-knot restricted cubic spline. From the following, we can say that we have strong evidence that a four-knot restriced cubic spline transformation fits the data better than including M protein as a linear variable.

lrtest(fit_pred_mprotein_linear, fit_pred_linear)
## Model 1: outcome ~ igg + iga + igm + m_protein + rcs(flc_ratio, 4) + isotype
## Model 2: outcome ~ igg + iga + igm + rcs(m_protein, 4) + rcs(flc_ratio, 
##     4) + isotype
##   L.R. Chisq         d.f.            P 
## 2.666601e+01 2.000000e+00 1.620133e-06

We further evaluate whether there is strong evidence that a five-knot restriced cubic spline fits the data better than four. There is no evidence of this.

lrtest(fit_pred_mprotein_5, fit_pred_linear)
## Model 1: outcome ~ igg + iga + igm + rcs(m_protein, 5) + rcs(flc_ratio, 
##     4) + isotype
## Model 2: outcome ~ igg + iga + igm + rcs(m_protein, 4) + rcs(flc_ratio, 
##     4) + isotype
## L.R. Chisq       d.f.          P 
##  0.2733163  1.0000000  0.6011158

and lastly, whether the four-knot restricted cubic spline fits the data better than a three-knot restriced cubic spline. There is strong evidence for this.

lrtest(fit_pred_mprotein_3, fit_pred_linear)
## Model 1: outcome ~ igg + iga + igm + rcs(m_protein, 3) + rcs(flc_ratio, 
##     4) + isotype
## Model 2: outcome ~ igg + iga + igm + rcs(m_protein, 4) + rcs(flc_ratio, 
##     4) + isotype
##   L.R. Chisq         d.f.            P 
## 1.784498e+01 1.000000e+00 2.396509e-05

The degree to which the four-knot restricted cubic spline model fits the data better compared to the others, can be quantifiable by calculating the adequacy models using the models’ likelihood ratio Chi-squared statistics. First we compare the linear M protein model to the four-knot restricted cubic spline model.

pre_test_lr <- fit_pred_mprotein_linear$stats["Model L.R."] # linear likelihood chi-squared statistic
post_test_lr <- fit_pred_linear$stats["Model L.R."] # 4-knot likelihood chi-squared statistic

Below is a measure of the adequacy of the linear M protein model compared to the four-knot restricted cubic spline model, 0.93 out of a maximum of 1

add_base <- pre_test_lr/post_test_lr
## Model L.R. 
##  0.9294905

In other words, the fraction of new information provided by the four-knot model by this metric is 0.070, which is substantial.

frac_new <- 1 - add_base
## Model L.R. 
## 0.07050946

Now we show the four-knot compared to the three-knot model.

pre_test_lr <- fit_pred_mprotein_3$stats["Model L.R."] # 3-knot likelihood chi-squared statistic
post_test_lr <- fit_pred_linear$stats["Model L.R."] # 4-knot likelihood chi-squared statistic

Below is a measure of the adequacy of the three-knot M protein model compared to the four-knot restricted cubic spline model, 0.929 out of a maximum of 1

add_base <- pre_test_lr/post_test_lr
## Model L.R. 
##  0.9528148

In other words, the fraction of new information provided by the 4-knot model by this metric is 0.070, which is substantial.

frac_new <- 1 - add_base
## Model L.R. 
## 0.04718516

10 Akaike’s information criterion

The question remains whether the increased fit of the non-linear model to the data compared to the linear model is worthwhile, given its added complexity. Akaike’s information criterion provides a method for penalizing the log likelihood achieved by a given model for its complexity to obtain a more unbiased assessment of the model’s worth. The penalty is to add twice the number of parameters to the −2 log likelihood. On this metric, the model with the lower AIC should generally be favored. The AIC of the four-knot restricted cubic spline is by far the lowest, after which the five-knot restricted cubic spline is the next lowest.

## [1] 1982.206
## [1] 1980.479
## [1] 1996.324
## [1] 2003.145

11 Comparing variances

Next we compare the variances of the predicted risks from the four-knot model and the linear M protein model. At this point, we do not feel that comparing the five-knot and three-knot is needed. In the prediction setting, increased variance in risk estimates is generally desirable. As shown below, the variance is slightly higher with the four-knot model.

pre <- predict(fit_pred_mprotein_linear, type='fitted')
pre <- pre[,2]
post <- predict(fit_pred_linear, type='fitted')
post <- post[,2]

par(mgp=c(4,1,0), mar=c(6,5,2,2))

xlab <- c(
  paste0("Linear\nvariance =", round(var(pre), 3)),
  paste0("Non-linear\nvariance=",round(var(post), 3))

histbackback(pre, post, brks=seq(0, 1, by=0.005), xlab=xlab, ylab= "Proportion (%) having \n≥10% BMPC")

We show that the relative explained variation of predicted risk of the linear M protein model compared to the four-knot model is 0.92 (theoretically out of a maximum of 1)

var_pre <- round(var(pre), 3) #linear
var_post <- round(var(post), 3) #non-linear
relativ_expl <- var_pre/var_post

## [1] 0.9210526

In other words, the fraction of new information contained in the 4-knot M protein model by this metric is 0.079

frac_new2 <- 1 - relativ_expl
## [1] 0.07894737

12 Decision curve analysis

Finally, as this is a prediction model that we intend for clinical use, we should be satisfied that the decision curves associated with the models are similar. If not, we should heavily favor the model that leads to increased net-benefit over plausible risk thresholds. Again, we feel that we no longer need to compare the 5-knot and 3-knot models and focus on the 4-knot model compared to the linear M protein model. First we extract the linear predictor from the 4-knot model. This has already been done in the chapter above and is saved in ‘df_linear_nonlinear$nonlinear_pred’. Next we extract the linear predictor from the linear M protein model.

Function(fit_pred_mprotein_linear) # next we extract the linear predictor from the linear model
## function(igg = 10.21,iga = 2.167,igm = 0.718,m_protein = 1.91,flc_ratio = 1.237794,isotype = "IgG") {+0.036413502*igg+0.27748825*iga-0.16241595*igm+0.23069192*m_protein-2.2960801* flc_ratio+0.82010851*pmax(flc_ratio-0.2041965,0)^3-1.9367662*pmax(flc_ratio-1.0186109,0)^3+1.1214264*pmax(flc_ratio-1.6415064,0)^3-0.0047686997*pmax(flc_ratio-7.440332,0)^3-0.040766989*(isotype=="IgA")-0.46147411*(isotype=="IgG")+0.14347237*(isotype=="Light-chain") }
## <environment: 0x7fe9eea3bd30>
df_linear_nonlinear$linear_mprotein_pred <- with(
    -1.9852 +0.036413502 * igg + 0.27748825 * iga - 0.16241595 * igm + 0.23069192 * m_protein -
      2.2960801 * flc_ratio + 0.82010851 * pmax(flc_ratio - 0.2041965, 0) ^ 3 -
      1.9367662 * pmax(flc_ratio - 1.0186109, 0) ^ 3 + 1.1214264 * 
      pmax(flc_ratio - 1.6415064, 0) ^ 3 - 0.0047686997 * pmax(flc_ratio - 7.440332, 0) ^ 3 
    - 0.040766989 * (isotype == "IgA") - 0.46147411 * (isotype == "IgG") 
    + 0.14347237 * (isotype == "Light-chain")                                                                                                                                )

We create the decision curve analysis models using the dca pacakge. We examine the net-benefit of the 4-knot and linear M protein models in a opt-out strategy, in which net benefit is expressed in the relative proportion of true negatives. As demonstrated by the resulting decision curve figure, the 4-knot model is superior to the linear M protein model over the majority of plausible low-risk thresholds.

linear_mprotein_model <- decision_curve(perc_10 ~ linear_mprotein_pred,
                                  data = df_linear_nonlinear,
                                  policy = 'opt-out',
                                  fitted = TRUE,
                                  thresholds = seq(0, 1, by = .001),
                                  bootstraps = 1000)

linear_model$derived.data %>%
  select(thresholds, NB, NB_lower, NB_upper, model) %>%
    linear_mprotein_model$derived.data %>%
      select(thresholds, NB, NB_lower, NB_upper, model) %>%
      filter(model == "perc_10 ~ linear_mprotein_pred")
  ) %>%
  mutate(model = factor(model, levels = c("perc_10 ~ linear_pred", "perc_10 ~ linear_mprotein_pred", "All", "None"))) %>%
  ggplot(aes(x = thresholds, y = NB, color = model, fill = model)) +
  geom_line(size = 1.1, position = position_dodge(width = 0.005)) +
  geom_vline(aes(xintercept = 0.05), lty = 2) +
  geom_vline(aes(xintercept = 0.10), lty = 2) +
    name = "Follow-up strategy:",
    labels = c(
      "Defer based on 4-knot model",
      "Defer based on linear M protein model",
      "Obtain sample from all",
      "Obtain sample from none"
    values = c(nejm_palette[c(2, 3)], "black", nejm_palette[c(1)])
  ) +
  scale_x_continuous(breaks = seq(0, 1, by = 0.02), labels = scales::percent_format(accuracy = 1)) +
  coord_cartesian(xlim = c(0, 0.25), ylim = c(-0.2, 0.7)) +
  labs(x = NULL, y = "Net Benefit") +
  theme_bw() +
    legend.title = element_blank(),
    legend.background = element_rect(fill = NA),
    panel.grid.minor.x = element_blank(),
    legend.position = c(0.2, 0.82)

13 Summary of all variables modeled as non-linear compared to linear variables (except FLC ratio)

We have shown that the model that includes M protein as a non-linear variable compared to a linear variable i) fits the data significantly better on the likelihood ratio test, providing roughly a 7% increase in the fraction of new information on this metric compared to the linear M protein model. ii) has a lower Akaike’s information criterion than does the linear M protein model iii) significantly increases the variance of predicted risk, providing a roughly 7.8% increase in the fraction of new information on this metric compared to the linear M protein model. iv) provides superior net benefit to a model that includes M protein as a linear variable over the vast majority of plausible low-risk thresholds.

It is clear that the model containing M protein as a four knot restricted cubic spline transformation is superior to one that contains M protein as a linear variable. Furthermore, we found no evidence that models with three or five knot outperformed the four knot model, which should then be chosen by default, as the four knot model was pre-specified.