Cutpoint for Estimation of Prognostic value of a continuous Marker

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In this paper

The optimal cutpoint, at which the EFS difference between low versus high LDH was maximized, was sought. This was clarified in the following table (supplementary to this article)

I wonder if this is the best method to choose a cutoff; I went through the documentation of maxstat R package and I see it relies on “Maximally Selected Rank Statistics”.

Should I use this “Maximally Selected Rank Statistics” for getting the cutpoints for a marker ? Also is it possible to have more than one cutpoint and is there a way to get the number of possible cutpoints ?

In that particular setting (and all other settings I’ve ever seen) a cutpoint does not actually exist. That is, you can’t demonstrate that the relationship between X and Y is flat on either side of the cutpoint. So any attempt to find a cutpoint is futile. It may be better to move this discussion to

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What if I need a cutpoint for decision making including risk stratification to decide the intensity of treatment?

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Cutpoints do not work correctly for either of those two applications. As one simple example, a patient whose value is right at the cutpoint should not be pooled with other patients far from the cutpoint, and should be classified as “we don’t know; get more data”. Equivocal values lead to tentative decisions that are revisited. If you use a cutpoint you’ll forget to revisit shaky decisions. Think about a track coach who is testing runners in preparation for the olympics. Does her stopwatch read “fast/slow” or does it read in seconds?


In principle I agree with this. But I also know, through experience and market research, that in a number of clinical applications users/physicians essentially demand cutpoints. So that’s a dilemma facing companies developing diagnostic products. No straightforward resolution, to my knowledge

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We need to insist on not using things that don’t exist. Everyone finds different cutpoints. The lack of replication comes from seeking something that didn’t exist in the first place.