Covid-19 vaccine Phase 3 trials

Great to see such encouraging interim headline results for efficacy of the Pfizer and Moderna vaccines! With what is admittedly the great benefit of hindsight - apparently it would have been better to randomise between active and placebo groups in a ratio of say 2:1 rather than 1:1. Better for participants in terms of chance of getting protected earlier. Also each trial would have reached its preset criterion of n total events, triggering analysis, more rapidly that way. Ironically, in each trial the interim analysis would have been triggered earlier had the vaccine been less effective!

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Prof Newcombe, do you use twitter? i ask because Prof Harrell pointed to some posts re COVID by Stephen Senn on twitter, found at the top here: Senn has that industry perspective which is useful here…

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Not sure I understand why the interim analysis would have been earlier with more subjects on the active arm where the event rate was lower.