Marginalizing predictions over categories of continuous predictors for lay audience presentations

Reviewer comments, and a related article by Gelman and Park (, got me thinking about this.

Preserving the continuous nature of a variable in data analysis is generally superior to the use of an arbitrarily discretized version thereof for 2 broad categories of reasons:

  1. From an analytic perspective, it maximizes statistical precision, minimizes residual confounding/bias, and respects the underlying physiology.
  2. For graphical purposes, It allows higher-resolution graphical displays of the effects of a variable (or interactions between them) across their full spectrum.

However, most lay audiences (including most physicians) are, for better or worse, mentally primed to interpret more familiar portrayals displaying (for example) the probability of an event across discrete bins (e.g., tertiles). I am completely aware this is a coarsened low-resolution display, particularly if there’s a lot of heterogeneity within each bin. A simple smooth line (if displaying probability across the continuum of 1 variable) or a heatmap (if across the continuum of 2 variables) would provide a more faithful depiction. That said, because of sheer unfamiliarity, you’d probably have to pause and explain these more granular resolutions to lay audiences who’re not used to seeing data depicted this way. In other words, there is a bit of a cognitive/time pricetag on the use of somewhat unfamiliar graphical displays. Some are not willing to pay said pricetags and simply want the familiar bar graphs they’re used to.

On that premise, what we’d want is a compromise that accedes to the demands of simplification (thereby sacrificing the 2nd set of advantages) but does not forsake (all of) the analytic advantages.

So I was thinking of something along these lines:

1. Build your model while preserving the continuous nature of the variables and base all of your inferential claims (e.g., added values of a given predictor or statistical interaction) on this model.
2. Provide high-resolution continuous displays for audiences who have the prerequisite ability to interpret them (or are willing to spend time/effort to learn how).
3. When discretized displays are desired by reviewers or for lay audience presentations, marginalize the predictions of your continuous model over the empirical distribution of the continuous variable within the desired discrete bins. The same approach can be applied for discretized interactions between variables

Below is an example of a logistic model with an interaction between LVEF category (usually categorized into 3 bins) and HR for predicting some binary outcome:

#Sample size
n <- 2500

#Generate predictors
sex <- rbinom(n, 1, 0.5)
age <- runif(n, 40, 85)
lvef <- 100*rbeta(n, shape1 = 5, shape2 = 5) #Beta distribution with mean of 0.5 (50%)
lvef_cat <- fcase(lvef <= 40, "Low", lvef > 40 & lvef < 50, "Mid", lvef >= 50, "High")
hr <- rgamma(n, shape = 50, rate = 0.5) #Gamma distribution with a mean of 100
hr_cat <- fcase(hr < 100, "Low", hr >= 100, "High")

#Generate outcome
z <- -12 + 0.1*sex + 0.1*age + 0.01*hr + 0.01*lvef + 0.001*hr*lvef
prob <- plogis(z)
y <- rbinom(n, 1, prob)

#We don't know linearity apriori, so we use restricted cubic splines for the continuous model (plus a linear interaction)
glm(family = binomial, y ~ sex + rcs(age) + rcs(lvef, 4) + rcs(hr, 4) + lvef:hr) -> mcont
#And now we run the model treating LVEF as a categorical variable
glm(family = binomial, y ~ sex + rcs(age) + lvef_cat*hr_cat) -> mcat

#Summary statistics/tests

##Much of what follows could be simplified with lapply, but is kept expanded for clarity's sake

#Create data.frames for m1 predictions

#Comprising the low LVEF group
#With a low HR
data.frame(sex = median(sex),
           age = median(age),
           lvef = lvef[hr_cat == "Low" & lvef_cat == "Low"],
           hr = hr[hr_cat == "Low" & lvef_cat == "Low"],
           lvef_cat = "Low",
           hr_cat = "Low") -> lowef_lowhr_df

#Comprising the mid-range LVEF group
data.frame(sex = median(sex),
           age = median(age),
           lvef = lvef[lvef_cat == "Mid" & hr_cat == "Low"],
           hr = hr[lvef_cat == "Mid" & hr_cat == "Low"],
           lvef_cat = "Mid",
           hr_cat = "Low") -> midef_lowhr_df

#Comprising the high LVEF group
data.frame(sex = median(sex),
           age = median(age),
           lvef = lvef[lvef_cat == "High" & hr_cat == "Low"],
           hr = hr[lvef_cat == "High" & hr_cat == "Low"],
           lvef_cat = "High",
           hr_cat = "Low") -> highef_lowhr_df

#With a high HR
data.frame(sex = median(sex),
           age = median(age),
           lvef = lvef[lvef_cat == "Low" & hr_cat == "High"],
           hr = hr[lvef_cat == "Low" & hr_cat == "High"],
           lvef_cat = "Low",
           hr_cat = "High") -> lowef_highhr_df

#Comprising the mid-range LVEF group
data.frame(sex = median(sex),
           age = median(age),
           lvef = lvef[lvef_cat == "Mid" & hr_cat == "High"],
           hr = hr[lvef_cat == "Mid" & hr_cat == "High"],
           lvef_cat = "Mid",
           hr_cat = "High") -> midef_highhr_df

#Comprising the high LVEF group
data.frame(sex = median(sex),
           age = median(age),
           lvef = lvef[lvef_cat == "High" & hr_cat == "High"],
           hr = hr[lvef_cat == "High" & hr_cat == "High"],
           lvef_cat = "High",
           hr_cat = "High") -> highef_highhr_df

#m1 predictions, marginalizing over the distribution of LVEF within each bucket
#For a low HR
                newdata = lowef_lowhr_df) -> lowef_lowhr_pred_mcont
                newdata = midef_lowhr_df) -> midef_lowhr_pred_mcont
                newdata = highef_lowhr_df) -> highef_lowhr_pred_mcont
#For a high HR
                newdata = lowef_highhr_df) -> lowef_highhr_pred_mcont
                newdata = midef_highhr_df) -> midef_highhr_pred_mcont
                newdata = highef_highhr_df) -> highef_highhr_pred_mcont

#m2 predictions, treating each bucket as a completely separate category
#For a low HR
                newdata = lowef_lowhr_df) -> lowef_lowhr_pred_mcat
                newdata = midef_lowhr_df) -> midef_lowhr_pred_mcat
                newdata = highef_lowhr_df) -> highef_lowhr_pred_mcat
#For a high HR
                newdata = lowef_highhr_df) -> lowef_highhr_pred_mcat
                newdata = midef_highhr_df) -> midef_highhr_pred_mcat
                newdata = highef_highhr_df) -> highef_highhr_pred_mcat

#Bind their predictions together in a single data.frame to facilitate plotting
      highef_highhr_pred_mcat) -> preds_df

preds_df$lvef_cat <- factor(c("Low", "Mid", "High"), levels = c("Low", "Mid", "High"))
preds_df$hr_cat <- factor(rep(c("Low", "High", "Low", "High"), each = 3), levels = c("Low", "High"))

preds_df$model_type <- rep(c("Continuous", "Categorical"), each = 6)

ggplot(data = preds_df,
       aes(x = interaction(lvef_cat, hr_cat),
           y = estimate,
           ymin = conf.low,
           ymax = conf.high,
           color = model_type)) +
  geom_pointrange(position = position_dodge(width = 0.5))

Here is what the resulting graph would look like (estimated risk on y-axis and discretized categories on the x-axis), comparing the output of an already-discretized model (red) and the marginalized results of a continuous model (blue)


The point estimates are reasonably similar between both models, though standard errors/CIs are smaller for the continuous model (as would be expected).

Would love to hear some feedback/criticism of this approach. Some flaws I’ve thought of:

1. As with a pre-categorized model, you’re hiding some heterogeneity within each of these strata.

2. When interpreting the the joint effect of 2 predictors (here LVEF and HR), the picture is somewhat muddled since the distribution of LVEF may not be the same in the group with a low versus high heart rate (So the “Low EF.Low HR” and the “Low EF.High HR” estimates don’t exactly isolate the effect of HR). Again, this is also inherent to the categorized model.

3. You may have to expend a few more lines in the Methodology section explaining what you did.

4. Computationally more demanding than a pre-categorized model (since you’d be marginalizing over several predictions rather than making a single prediction for the desired category), particularly with very large datasets where you’d marginalize over very many rows. A potential solution in that case would be to take a random sample of your dataset and marginalize over that.

Other than 3. and 4., is there any clear disadvantage of this approach compared to using a pre-categorized model? (the disadvantages versus a continuous approach are clearcut)

*Some would argue that the “Low/Mid/High” marginalized predictions in the above plot could just be replaced with conditional predictions at (for example), the first, second, and third quartiles. I agree and have done this before, but often a common query would be “What do you mean the risk corresponds to an EF of exactly 35% or 65%? Don’t you mean <35% or >65%?”

To be clear, this is not a substitute for full continuous displays (which should be provided), but is merely intended as a less-damaging substitute to the full use of pre-categorized models.


I did not look over the interaction part carefully, but just in general if one can show the continuous plot and create vertical lines that correspond to cutoffs (Eg EF cutoffs) that might be a good solution.

Often these cutoffs are of interest because the guidelines use them (for example, being below an EF cutoff might imply “reduced” ejection fraction heart failure, which sends one down one path of treatment, whereas an EF above that would be “preserved” which sends down another). The reason why these types of categorizations are made is in my opinion pretty interesting, and I plan to write something about it soon, having watched it materialize and felt the benefit of it in clinic, which then creates a tension with the statistician in me.

However, for all people, I think, seeing a continuous plot is more intuitive than having to think about multiple entries in a table; if it is not, maybe it should be, and then by showing the continuous plot with the vertical lines superimposed, you would not only be acceding to the guidelines but also maybe showing a different, better way of looking at things, and maybe that will gradually shift the way people think and in turn shift the guidelines.

In this case, I wonder if say showing a scatter plot of HR and EF with risk in a heatmap and then drawing vertical lines where there are cutoffs in EF. I think HR except for like categorizing into like tachy vs not tachy or SIRS vs not SIRS has less cutoffs associated with it. One could draw horizontal lines though for these cutoffs, I think they are often like HR>90 or >100 depending on clinical scenarios.


The general approach of averaging-after-fit is much better than discretizing-before-fit. But in the last 15 or so years I’ve found that there is no problem at all in clinical investigators accepting and using “instantaneous non-averaged” estimates such as inter-quartile-range odds ratio, just as they fully accept predictions at a given set of exact values of continuous covariates.


Thank you Prof. Harrell.

Yes, many are definitely okay with conditional/non-averaged estimates. I think the main consideration for why the marginalized/subgroup estimates are asked for is that, even if they themselves are perfectly okay with the conditional graphs, they’re not necessarily sure their colleagues/reviewers/audience would understand them as easily. And so they additionally ask for the simpler sort of graphs that they know for sure everyone is familiar with.

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Yes, there’s always a tension between kind of going along with the familiar way of doing things vs trying to do things in a somewhat different (but in my opinion better) way of doing things which has the downside of spending a bit more time explaining what you’ve done.

Overlaying a heatmap with lines denoting typical thresholds sounds great. It allows you to show the underlying spectrum (which is the actual physiologic entity of interest) alongside the guideline-based clusters that people are familiar with. Thank you for the suggestion!

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But the marginalized estimates are more complex to understand, not simpler. If marginalization is to be used, I personally would restricted to marginalizing over factors that cannot be included on a graph because there are too many main unmarginalized factors being displayed.