RMS Discussions

Welcome to datamethods Noah. You code is not using the rms package. The solution to your problem using rms is to think of reference values as arbitrary when fitting the model, then getting any effect of interest after doing the fit. There are two main ways of doing this: (1) using summary (long name summary.rms) to get effect ratios, or (2) using contrast (long name contrast.rms) to do this. contrast gives the most control. Here’s a sketch:

dd <- datadist(mydata); options(datadist='dd')
f <- cph(Surv(dtime, event) ~ rcs(exposure, 4) + x2 + x3, data=mydata)
contrast(f, list(exposure=4), list(exposure=1))   # log hazard at 4 hours minus 1 hour
contrast(f, list(exposure=1:20), list(exposure=1))  # 20 differences, one of them zero

You can put the output of contrast into another object and then plot it.

Thank you so much Dr. Harrell. With respect to datadist(), could you tell me what exactly this function is doing? When I run the code provided (with slight alterations to match my data)

dd = datadist(mydata)

I receive an error message after attempting to run the contrast statement above:

Error in Getlimi(name[i], Limval, need.all = TRUE) :
no limits defined by datadist for variable newsleepduration

Is the datadist() option meant to include my entire dataframe?

Thank you and happy Thanksgiving.

datadist stores default values for prediction, effect estimation, and adjustment reference values. It’s best to run it on the whole data frame. If you add a variable later you’ll need to add that, e.g. dd <- datadist(dd, newsleepduration).

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I’m trying to draw a calibration curve for a validation cohort using rms package. A Cox model was fitted for the development cohort. I have seen in a few papers; Development and validation of a simple-to-use clinical nomogram for predicting obstructive sleep apnea | BMC Pulmonary Medicine | Full Text
https://clincancerres.aacrjournals.org/content/27/12/3414 authors have created calibration plots for both development and validation cohorts.
I could understand how to create the calibration plot for the development cohort using the general calibrate() function in rms. But, I’m not too convinced about how to draw the calibration plot for the validation cohort. Would this be from the Cox model only using the linear predictor (prognostic index) for the validation cohort? or could someone let me know any place to look for this?



Be sure that your testing and development cohorts are from different times, countries, or from drastically different types of patients. Otherwise you are in all likelihood doing internal validation and split sample methods are unstable unless N > 20,000 for example.

For a real external validation of absolute predictive accuracy (calibration), use the rms val.surv function whose documentation may be found here. Note that you can specify either a cph fit object or the actually estimated probabilities to val.surv. Raw data from the validation cohort is specified using newdata.


Thank you for your reply. After searching more on this, I found this discussion on your platform: Calibration of Cox model - #11 by lif. I think this uses the approach that you have mentioned in your reply. Is that correct?

Thanks again!

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Yes, Melissa. I remembered I did that external validation with Harrell’s help.

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Yes that is a good example of what I referred to. In this case it’s for a parametric survival model; a minor change would make it work for the Cox model.

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Hi All,

I am trying to do interaction plots for the treatment by a continuous baseline covariate interaction in analyzing time-to-event endpoints. My main problem is how to get a simultaneous confidence bands. I was able to successfully implement it in rms, but the plot is on the log(HR) scale and apparently the fun = exp argument for the contrast() function does not do the transformation to the HR scale. Is there any way of applying the exp transformation to get the plot on the HR scale with its confidence band?

The code with the output is below.


dat ← colon
dat$sexC ← ifelse(dat$sex==1, “F”, “M”)
fit ← cph(Surv(time, etype) ~ sexC * rcs(age, 3), data = dat)

M ← contrast(fit, list(sexC = ‘F’, age = 1:100), list(sexC = ‘M’, age = 1:100), conf.type = “simultaneous” , fun = exp)
M0 ← contrast(fit, list(sexC = ‘F’, age = 1:100), list(sexC = ‘M’, age = 1:100), fun = exp)

M0_ ← data.frame(age = M0$age, contrast = M0$Contrast, LCL = M0$Lower, UCL = M0$Upper, LCL2 = M$Lower, UCL2 = M$Upper)

ggplot(data = M0_, aes(x = age, y = contrast)) + geom_line() + geom_ribbon(aes(ymin = LCL, ymax = UCL), alpha = 0.5, fill=2) +
geom_ribbon(aes(ymin = LCL2, ymax = UCL2), alpha = 0.5, fill = “yellow”) + geom_hline(yintercept = 0, colour = 2, linetype = 2)

Dear Experts:
I am working on a study using ordinal logistic regression. The dependent variable (Y) was set to 4 levels, from None to Severe. I want to use restricted cubic splines to explore their potential nonlinear relationship. Based on my limited knowledge of the rms package, I wrote the following code.

dd <- datadist(data)
fit2 <- lrm(Transfer ~ rcs(Totalcholesterol, 4),data=data,weights = data$wts)

The weights were obtained based on the previous propensity score.
However, there is always an error here which is very confusing to me
“currently weights are ignored in model validation and bootstrapping lrm fits”
I would like to ask how can I handle this situation.
I also tried the rep() dunction, While it works, I can’t guarantee its results are correct.
Also, I noticed that the weights used by lrm and all the weights in svyolr do not present the same point estimate and 95%CI (but are numerically approximate), is this normal?
For example, The OR vaule obtained from svyolr is 0.79 while in lrm is 0.62. After i tried to plot the lrm model (Of course I ignored that error, I think it might not be right) The export rcs curve presented as follows:

To be honest it really doesn’t look like an RCS with an OR less than 1
Thanks for your help!

I answered your question in the code below and gave some coding suggestions also. Be sure to use ← instead of ← next time, and change quotes to R-compatible quotes or the code won’t execute.


dat <- colon
dat$sexC <-  ifelse(dat$sex==1, 'F', 'M')
# dat <- transform(dat, sexC=ifelse(...)) or
# dat <- transform(dat, sexC=factor(sex, ...))

fit <- cph(Surv(time, etype) ~ sexC * rcs(age, 3), data = dat)

M <- contrast(fit, list(sexC = 'F', age = 1:100), list(sexC = 'M', age = 1:100), conf.type = 'simultaneous' , fun = exp)
# Type ?contrast.rms to see documentation.   You'll see that fun= applies only to
# the print method of contrast, and to Bayesian model fits

M0 <- contrast(fit, list(sexC = ‘F’, age = 1:100), list(sexC = ‘M’, age = 1:100), fun = exp)

# Drop fun=exp and modify this example from the help file:
# Plot odds ratios with pointwise 0.95 confidence bands using log scale

k <- as.data.frame(M[c('age', 'Contrast','Lower','Upper')])
ggplot(k, aes(x=age, y=exp(Contrast))) + geom_line() +
   geom_ribbon(aes(ymin=exp(Lower), ymax=exp(Upper)),
               alpha=0.15, linetype=0) +
   scale_y_continuous(trans='log10', n.breaks=10,
               minor_breaks=c(seq(0.1, 1, by=.1), seq(1, 10, by=.5))) +
  xlab('Age') + ylab('F:M Hazard Ratio')

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The warning message documents that weights are not implemented in resampling validation methods in the rms package. I don’t know of anyone who has implemented this but a search of CRAN may find something.

To get to the bottom of the disagreement between the two estimation methods (rms::lrm aind svyolr) would require a lot of digging. The first thing I suggest trying is simulating data using integer case weights that can easily be analyzed by duplicating observations the number of times equal to the weights, and comparing results (in both functions) to weighted estimates on the shorter dataset and unweighted estimates on the longer dataset.

Thank you for your kind reply!
According to my understanding, the model resampling process will not affect the estimation of the restricted cubic spline, so this warning has no effect on my subsequent predicting process, like this

OR <- Predict(fit2, Totalcholesterol, fun=exp, ref.zero = TRUE)

Is this understanding correct?

Dear prof. Harrell,

Thank you so much for taking the time to review the code and provide the solution. Thank you also for the additional coding suggestions.
One minor question about the use of confidence bands instead of pointwise confidence intervals. Do you, in general, recommend the use of the bands instead of the pointwise CI? Also, seems that for the bands we control for multiplicity simultaneously for all values of the continuous covariate (100 values of age in the example above). Should not we just adjust for the multiplicity only for the number of parameters we are estimating, 5 coefficients in our case, to get the confidence band?

If I understand your question, yes — resampling doesn’t change the point estimates; it just tells you how unstable they are by looking a model and coefficient volatility across multiple model fits.

First we need to get airtight nomenclature. A confidence band can refer to either pointwise or simultaneous coverage. Band refers to the graphical styling. And yes we need to favor simultaneous bands over pointwise ones because in effect we are making a lot of comparisons. The beauty of simultaneous bands is that once you obtain estimates at n values of X the bands will be no wider than estimating at k values of X where k < n and k \geq p + 1 where p is the number of parameters estimated for the X effect. The dimensionality of the multiplicity is p, not the number of requested predictions n which can be very large and include many estimates that are just linear combinations of other estimates.

Thank you for this reply. Does this mean that my implementation of the simultaneous confidence band is not correct since I have included 1:100 values of age in the contrast function call (which, if I understand it correctly, will mean that the multiplicity is adjusted for all provided 100 values). Or the contrast function call actually adjusts for the number of independent parameters that are estimated in the fitted model?

You’ll see in the output that contrast puts an asterisk next to all the linearly redundant contrasts (which will be most of them) so all of this is taken care of automatically and you don’t have to worry.

This is really great, thank you so much! If I may expand a little on this, is it possible to construct a simultaneous confidence bands with a constant width at each point of the covariate x? In one sense it is natural that in the extremes of the range of the covariate x where there is sparse data, the width of pointwise confidence interval is larger, but for the simultaneous confidence band I would have thought that it should not be affected by the sparsity of data at the extremes. Let’s say we have only p parameters for the estimation and the sample size n is substantially larger than p, then the estimation should be quite good regardless of the sparsity of data at some values of the covariate x. Is this a reasonable thinking? Again, the guidance in this question is much appreciated.

I don’t know how to construct such a region and it would need to be too wide in the center where we have more confidence