RMS Discussions

I was referring to no workaround for a contrast of survival probabilities at a fixed time.

For lrm I did not implement ‘no intercept’ models.


Hi Prof Harrell,

I want to confirm my understanding about RMS 4.12.1 Developing Predictive Models.

In this section, you said that we should use a a single p value to test the entire/non-linear/interaction.

For example, if a single predictor has a > 0.05 P value, we should NOT delete it, we need to check the global P value. For an interaction term, we should observe the global interaction P value, if the global P < 0.05, we should NOT delete any interaction term, even there is an interaction term with a >0.05 P value.
(Prerequisites: variables and interactions are based on pre-made assumptions, that is, if there is a physiological mechanism for the interaction between two variables, an interaction should be included)

I have marked my understanding in bold at the end of your notes. In summary, we should not exclude any interaction or predictor just because its p>0.05, we should focus on the global p-value

8 Can do highly structured testing to simplify “initial” model
Test entire group of predictors with a single -value (⇒ TOTAL P value in ANOVA test)
Make each continuous predictor have same number of knots, and select the number that optimizes AIC
Test the combined effects of all nonlinear terms with a single -value. (⇒ TOTAL NONLINEAR P value in ANOVA test)

  1. Check additivity assumptions by testing pre-specified interaction terms. Use a global test and either keep all or delete all interactions (⇒ TOTAL INTERACTION P value in ANOVA test)

Is my understanding correct? Thank you very much.

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