Summary table of different Cox PHM models to compare them

Dear profesor @f2harrell and datamethods community.
I want to summarize different Cox models that I have fitted in order to try to show in a glance the most important parameters.

This is the table that I am proposing but I do not know if there is something important missing that can be added or other information that is would not be useful at all.

Can you help me please in this task?

Title 1 Index Model 1 Model 2 Model 3 Model 4 Model 5 Model 6 Model 7 Model 8
Model Tests LR X2 data data data data data data data 0.644
d.f. data data data data data data data 16
Score X2 data data data data data data data 770.24
Discrimination Indexes R2 data data data data data data data 0.644
Dxy data data data data data data data -0.744
R216,501 data data data data data data data 0.738
Accuracy Concordance data data data data data data data 0.872
AIC data data data data data data data 5317
AIC X2 scale data data data data data data data 660
data data data data data data data data data
Validation * LR R2 data data data data data data data 0.621
Dxy data data data data data data data -0.734
Slope data data data data data data data 0.938

Thank you!

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That looks pretty good, but donā€™t forget the most important thing: re-sampling-based smooth nonparametric calibration curve plots.

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Thank you so much for your help,
do you mean to add the plots of the calibration procedure shown in 21.5 of Regression modeling strategies

Thank you!

Yes, the approach that does not use stratified K-M estimates.

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Dear professor, I have already fitted my ā€˜bestā€™ Cox PHM models following different procedures and I have tabulated them with the important information and indices. Now, my task is to reccomend which one could deserve our attention. I think that the ā€˜bestā€™ one may be the Sparse PCA AVAS transformed, but I am not sure, because variable transformation include uncertainties. Maybe it could be better to work further on Sparse PCA raw RCSā€¦

Which indices do you think that should be evaluated in order of its importance for the model?

Another question I have is that I donā€™t know how to interpret the results of Score X2 and its relationship with LR X2. In some cases both are close and in others they differ so much. Could you please indicate what is the correct interpretation of this relationship between these indices?

Captura de pantalla 2024-12-21 a las 18.56.48

Thank you so much!

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Extremely nice table. Regarding transformations when PCA/SPCA is being used, these transformations should be unsupervised learning-based a la nonlinear PCs. Then you donā€™t need to penalize for transformation uncertainty. And you might consider adding AIC and the newer adjusted R^2 that uses the effective sample size (number of events) and subtracts p from \chi^2 except when doing validation samples. In place of ā€œAccuracyā€ I would call that Predictive Discrimination.

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HI professor, many thanks for your valuable comments. Regarding the info to add, I think that itā€™s already included in the table:

AIC (located in prediction ability) and Rdf,501 . 666 is the sample size and 501 the effective sample size (number of events). Is there any other AIC measure to compute or include?

I have additional questions which I would be very grateful if you could help me:

1.- I donā€™t know how to interpret the results of Score X2 and its relationship with LR X2. In some cases both are close and in others they differ so much. Could you please indicate what is the correct interpretation of this relationship between these indices?

2.- Which model/s do you think that deserve our attention. I think that the ā€˜bestā€™ one may be the Sparse PCA AVAS transformed, but I am not sure. Maybe it could be better to work further on Sparse PCA raw RCSā€¦ Any thoughts about the model comparison?

Captura de pantalla 2024-12-22 a las 18.41.19

Thank you again for your kind help!

Sorry I missed that re:AIC. Drop the score and its p-value entirely. This is only for when itā€™s computationally too expensive to compute the LR \chi^2.

AIC is what I would emphasize the most, followed by adjusted R^2. As far as transformations are concerned, just make sure that any transformation that was derived by looking at relationships with Y have all the d.f. accounted for that way.

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