Using 2 different measures of the same entity for risk prediction

Hello everyone,

I am currently analyzing a dataset where measurements of the same entity (coronary blood flow) are taken in 2 states (with negligible temporal separation between the 2 measurements). The first is the “resting” state and the second is the “stress” state (“stress” here refers to a state of augmented coronary blood flow induced by the injection of a pharmaceutical substance). Typically, what is often done is that these 2 measures are “compressed” by taking their ratio (coronary flow ratio; CFR).

The primary rationale justifying this is that the ratio roughly represents the “magnitude of coronary blood flow augmentation”, and that it is this latter conceptual entity that “really” matters when it comes to prognosis. This implies that the underlying rest/stress values of coronary flow don’t matter much once their ratio is known (which is the subject of some controversy).

After a bit of background reading (specifically:,,,, the takeaway seems to be that the best analytic approach in such scenarios is to model the outcome as a smooth function of both covariates (e.g., using tensor splines or restricted cubic splines for main effects plus restricted smooth interaction term).

My question is:

Prof. Harrell states here ( that, if both covariates are shown to be important, an additional goal would be to show how best to combine them.

A. I’m not sure how I can identify the best way of combining the two measures (demonstrating whether, for example, the ratio or difference is important). Would one simply compare something like:
rcs(first_measurement, 5) + rcs(difference, 5)
rcs(first_measurement, 5) + rcs(ratio, 5)

in terms of their fit (e.g., using AIC)?

B. Conversely, I’m not sure how to tell that that a simplifying construct (ratio/difference) is insufficient to capture the relationship. Would one simply compare:

rcs(first_measurement, 5) + rcs(second_measurement, 5) + rcs(first_measurement, 5) %ia% rcs(second_measurement, 5)
rcs(first_measurement, 5) + rcs(ratio, 5) (or using rcs(difference, 5) instead of ratio)

and see if the latter results in an unacceptable loss of model fit?

C. Is there a meaningful difference between using the second measurement or the ratio/difference if smooth terms with interaction are used? In other words, is there a meaningful difference between

rcs(first_measurement, 5) + rcs(second_measurement, 5) + rcs(first_measurement, 5) %ia% rcs(second_measurement, 5)
rcs(first_measurement, 5) + rcs(ratio, 5) + rcs(first_measurement, 5) %ia% rcs(ratio, 5) (or using rcs(difference, 5) instead of ratio)


This is the kind of problem that is really great to work on. Often I’ve wished that we could put a restriction on our models such that the two variable have the same shape of rcs transformation, like you can do for monotonic variables in the brms package. When there are no interactions you can do such an analysis by making the dataset twice as tall and using a cluster sandwich covariance estimator to adjust standard errors. But that’s kind of awkward. The idea is to have a common shape but with a simple magnifier (“external \beta”) for the second predictor.

The way that clinical researchers tend to analyze such data makes an initial mistake that is quite common: assuming that change is more important that stressed state. If you use resting left ventricular ejection fraction (LVEF) and LVEF under maximum exercise to jointly predict time until cardiovascular event, you find that resting LVEF is irrelevant, i.e., that change from rest to exercise is almost solely noise.

Likewise if in ICU patients you measure serum creatinine (SCr) on day 1 and on day 3, and predict survival from day 3 onwards, day 1 SCr is almost irrelevant, i.e., the change in SCr is a weak prognostic variable.

You might think of this strategy, which focuses on predicted cross-validation predictive discrimination by computing AIC on several models, letting the two measurements be denoted A and B.

  • log(B/A)
  • log(A) + log(B)
  • rcs(log(A)) + rcs(log(B))
  • rcs(log(A)) + rcs(log(B)) + rcs(log(A)) %ia% rcs(log(B))

Each rcs is mean to use 4 knots.
Model (1) vs. (2) checks the adequacy of the ratio assuming linearity in all the logs. (3) vs (2) checks linearity in the logs. (4) vs (3) checks for interaction.

I hope you’ll post what you find. My money is on A being fairly irrelevant.


Thank you for the informative reply! Yes, I think having the same smooth shape of the variable would make a lot of sense in cases where the 2 measurements are not really physiologically “different” from one another (and therefore are expected to have the same shape of relationship to the outcome of interest). The idea about replicating the dataset and adjusting the standard errors makes a lot of sense.

In my particular use-case there was a lot of prior information that the 2 measurements were determined by different physiological parameters (and had directionally opposite associations with the outcome of interest) and that their ratio was pretty important as it corresponded to some physiological parameter of interest.

For the 4 suggested formulations (ignoring covariate adjustment):


  1. log(B/A): 9829
  2. log(A) + log(B): 9786
  3. rcs(log(A)) + rcs(log(B)): 9747
  4. rcs(log(A)) + rcs(log(B)) + rcs(log(A)) %ia% rcs(log(B)): 9757

So it seems like there’s quite a bit of information that would be left unused if one were to just use the ratio between the two variables (\Delta AIC = 43 between models 1 and 2). And then some more information that can be captured by allowing non-linearity in both variables (\Delta AIC = 39 between models 1 and 2). Not that much more to be gained by interacting them together.

Also, one thing that I’ve noticed is that when a restricted cubic spline is used, there’s usually not that much of a difference between using the variable as-is or log-transforming it (that is, removing the log-transform from models 3 and 4 has negligible impact on fit). I’m guessing that’s because the smoothing done by the spline “captures” the non-linear relationship anyway so there isn’t that much added value using a log-transformation on top of a spline (though I’m not at all sure about this).

Here’s what a heatmap based on the saturated model’s (4) predictions would look like:

The black lines (top to bottom) follow ratios of 2.5, 2, and 1.5 respectively (~approximately representing the 25th/50th/75th percentiles of b/a).


It seems to me that there is clearly a change in hue when moving from one ratio (line) to another, but clearly there’s some variation along the same line (ratio), hence the need to model absolute values.

Thanks again for your helpful reply!

Super work. The main things that happen when you pre-transform a heavy right-tail variable is the you reduce the number of overly-influential observations, and you may be able to fit with one fewer knot.

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