Based on the article Simulation-based power calculation and the definition of Power as
“The probability of detecting a difference if one truly exists”
I applied a similar principle to construct a function that calculates the power of the Wilcoxon test for use in sample size determination. Below is the R script I developed:
# Function to calculate power using simulation for Wilcoxon test
calculate_power <- function(n_per_group, mu_group1, mu_group2, sd_group1, sd_group2, iterations = 1000, alpha = 0.05) {
significant_results <- 0
for (i in 1:iterations) {
group1 <- rnorm(n_per_group, mean = mu_group1, sd = sd_group1)
group2 <- rnorm(n_per_group, mean = mu_group2, sd = sd_group2)
p_value <- wilcox.test(group1, group2, alternative = "two.sided")$p.value
if (p_value < alpha) {
significant_results <- significant_results + 1
significant_results / iterations
# Parameters for the simulation
mcid <- 0.8 # Minimum clinically important difference
sd_group1 <- 1 # Standard deviation for group 1
sd_group2 <- 1 # Standard deviation for group 2
alpha <- 0.05 # Significance level
desired_power <- 0.8 # Target power
iterations <- 1000 # Number of simulations per sample size
# start params
sample_size <- 10 # Initial sample size per group
power <- 0
# Loop until desired power is achieved
while (power < desired_power) {
power <- calculate_power(
n_per_group = sample_size,
mu_group1 = 3, ## according to ref
mu_group2 = 3+mcid, ## mcid according to PI
sd_group1 = sd_group1,
sd_group2 = sd_group2,
iterations = iterations,
alpha = alpha
cat("Sample size per group:", sample_size, "- Power:", power, "\n")
if (power < desired_power) {
sample_size <- sample_size + 1
cat("Final sample size per group to achieve power", desired_power, "is:", sample_size, "\n")
cat("Accounting for 10% Drop-out rate: ", ceiling(sample_size/0.9))
This script produced the same sample size as calculated using PASS software. I would appreciate your expert feedback on whether my methodology is appropriate and aligns with standard practices and scientific rationales.