Dear Pavel,
I offer the following response from the perspective of an applied statistician whose main tasks have been analyzing data and writing up the results for research on focused problems in health and medical science (as opposed to, say, a data miner at Google):
Contextual narratives I see in areas I can judge are often of very questionable validity. So are most frequentist and Bayesian analyses I see in those areas. Bayesian methods are often touted as a savior, but only because they have been used so infrequently in the past that their defects are not yet as glaring as the defects of the others (except to me and those who have seen horrific Bayesian inferences emanating from leading statisticians). Bayesian methodologies do provide useful analytic tools and valuable perspectives on statistics, but that’s all they do - they don’t prevent or cure the worst problems.
All the methods rely rather naively on the sterling objectivity, good intent, and skills of the producer. Hence none of these approaches have serious safeguards against the main threats to validity such as incompetence and cognitive biases such as overconfidence, confirmation bias, wish bias, bandwagon bias, and oversimplification of complexities - often fueled by conflicts of interest (which are often unstated and unrecognized, as in studies of drug side effects done by those who have prescribed the drug routinely).
To some extent each approach can reveal deficiencies in the other and that’s why I advocate doing them all in tasks with severe enough error consequences to warrant that much labor. I simply hold that it is unlikely one will produce a decent statistical analysis (whether frequentist, Bayesian, or whatever) without first having done a good narrative analysis for oneself - and that means having read the contextual literature for yourself, not just trusting the narrative or elicitations from experts. The latter are not only cognitively biased, but they are often based on taking at face value the conclusions of papers in which those conclusions are not in fact supported by the data. So one needs to get to the point that one could write up a credible introduction and background for a contextual paper (not just a methodologic demonstration, as in a stat journal).
Statistics textbooks I know of don’t cover any of this seriously (I’d like to know of any that do) but instead focus all serious effort on the math. I’m as guilty of that as anyone, and understand it happens because it’s way easier to write and teach about neat math than messy context. To remedy that problem without getting very context-specific, and what I think is most needed and neglected among general tools for a competent data analyst, is an explicit systematic approach to dealing with human biases at all stages of research (from planning to reviews and reporting), rather than relying on blind trust of “experts” and authors (the “choirboy” assumption). That’s an incredibly tough task however, which is only partially addressed in research audits - those need to include analysis audits.
It’s far harder than anything in math stat - in fact I hold that applied stat is far harder than math stat, and the dominant status afforded the latter in the statistics is completely unjustified (especially in light of some of the contextually awful analyses in the health and med literature on which leading math statisticians appear). That’s hardly a new thought: Both Box and Cox expressed that view back in the last century, albeit in a restrained British way, e.g., see Box, Comment, Statistical Science 1990, 5, 448-449.
So as a consequence, I advocate that basic stat training should devote as much time to cognitive bias as to statistical formalisms, e.g., see my article from last year: “The need for cognitive science in methodology,” American Journal of Epidemiology , 186, 639–645, available as a free download at
That’s in addition to my previous advice to devote roughly equal time to frequentist and Bayesian perspectives on formal (computational) statistics.