Making sense of significant interaction with null main effect in RCT

In a clinical trial comparing two interventions for patients with a disease that has been classified into two previously well-defined subgroups, we find that the main effect of intervention B compared to intervention A on the primary outcome is null (aRR=1.0, 95% CI: 0.90-1.10, adjusted for stratified enrollment variables) in the overall population of patients with the disease.

However, while the main effect of intervention B compared to intervention A is null, there is a significant statistical interaction (p=0.03) for the effect of the treatment by the two well-defined subgroups. Importantly, an analysis for interaction was pre-specified in the trial protocol, based on clear pathophysiologic reasoning and common understanding of the disease, and it is the only test for interaction conducted. Crude rates of outcomes for treatment A and treatment B, overall and for each subgroup, are shown in the figure below.

One would take from this figure that the effect of intervention B depends upon which subgroup of the disease is being treated. This is plausible and is the reason for having prespecified the analysis for interaction. The figure also makes clear how it is possible to have a null main effect with a statistically significant interaction term.

If the trial is analyzed as if it were two separate trials (that is, a trial of intervention A vs B in subgroup 1 and, separately, a trial of intervention A vs B in subgroup 2), the effect size for the intervention does not reach conventional statistical significance for each subgroup (these are aRRs, adjusted for enrollment stratification variables):
aRR, 1.15; 95% CI: 0.95 to 1.30
aRR=0.85; 95% CI: 0.65 to 1.05

Subgroup 1 makes up ~1/3 of the trial population.

What does one make of these results? What is the best way to approach this analysis? I recall learning in an early statistical class not to pursue looking at interactions when the main effect is null. But this experience, and the figure above, which seems to graphically illustrate why there would be a real interaction with a null main effect, have made me rethink this.

The clinical implications of “there is no difference between intervention A and intervention B in the population with the disease” vs “the effects of intervention A and intervention B depend upon the classification of the presenting disease” – these are very different, and it is important to get the right answer.

Any suggestions?

What does one make of these results? What is the best way to approach this analysis? I recall learning in an early statistical class not to pursue looking at interactions when the main effect is null. But this experience, and the figure above, which seems to graphically illustrate why there would be a real interaction with a null main effect, have made me rethink this.

In general, if you were to fit a full model and test for interactions, you would not evaluate significance on the embedded main effects if the interaction is significant (because it is illogical to test the main effect in that case). It is somewhat backwards to test significance on the main effect before the interaction because the interaction is a source of variation which may be the only proper way to evaluate the underlying variables; however, testing the interaction first, before main effects, is likely less consequential if there truly is no interaction. Long story short: fit the full model with desired interactions, and test interactions before main effects. Don’t bother testing main effects if the interaction containing the main effects is significant.

The clinical implications of “there is no difference between intervention A and intervention B in the population with the disease” vs “the effects of intervention A and intervention B depend upon the classification of the presenting disease” – these are very different, and it is important to get the right answer.

Lack of significance doesn’t indicate “no difference”, though. This is a somewhat separate issue, and your question is addressed by the above as well as the following: a significant interaction between A and B says that the relationship of A on Y varies depending on the value of B-- therefore, you have already defined A and B to have a relationship with Y (just more specifically that it varies depending on some other variable), and main effect testing is superfluous.

Hope this helps.

The rational Bayesian approach would involve one flexible model that leads to posterior probabilities that a number of contrasts (in your case 2) are positive. This involves eliciting a prior on the interaction effect, which dictates how much borrowing of information is used across the two levels of the interacting factor. Note no need to speak of a “main effect” in this context.


If this was a static cohort of patients with fixed follow-up could you please post these results using the aOR effect size as I note baseline risk is about 50% and this may influence the results.

Also a similar question to mine here